Merion Village Boundaries
The geographical boundaries of Merion Village are as follow:
NORTH from the Scioto River EAST on Greenlawn Avenue to South High Street, then EAST on Thurman Avenue, to SOUTH on South Pearl Street, to EAST on Nursery Lane, to NORTH on North on Blackberry Alley, to EAST on the south side of Whittier Street, to the west side of Parsons Avenue;
SOUTH from the Scioto River, along Frank Road, to NORTH on South High Street, to EAST along the alley south of Morrill Avenue, to the west wide of Parsons Avenue;
EAST the west side of Parsons Avenue;
WEST the Scioto River.
NORTH from the Scioto River EAST on Greenlawn Avenue to South High Street, then EAST on Thurman Avenue, to SOUTH on South Pearl Street, to EAST on Nursery Lane, to NORTH on North on Blackberry Alley, to EAST on the south side of Whittier Street, to the west side of Parsons Avenue;
SOUTH from the Scioto River, along Frank Road, to NORTH on South High Street, to EAST along the alley south of Morrill Avenue, to the west wide of Parsons Avenue;
EAST the west side of Parsons Avenue;
WEST the Scioto River.