Need to renew your MVA membership for 2020? Maybe you’ve considered joining but haven’t taken the plunge? You can complete our residential and business membership applications online in just a few minutes! Your yearly membership in the MVA helps to support our organization accomplish a variety of efforts through the neighborhood.
Anyone interested in the neighborhood is eligible to join the MVA! Members who reside or operate a business within the Merion Village boundaries are able to vote on elections and/or issues. Membership in the MVA is annual and runs on a standard calendar basis from January 1st to December 31st. Residential and Business membership options are available as outlined below: RESIDENTIAL MEMBERSHIP | JOIN /RENEW NOW!
…but wait, there’s more! Members of the MVA are also invited to reserve space in the Info Center located at 1330 S. Fourth Street, Columbus, OH 43206 at no cost! The Info Center has a single room, open floor plan and includes a private restroom. This space holds groups of up to 40 individuals and includes (6) 6-foot folding tables and (40) chairs that can be used during your event. Whether you're planning an evening meeting for a local organization or you want to throw an afternoon baby shower, the Info Center is the perfect spot for you and your guests. The MVA is thrilled to make this space available to our members free of charge! If you have questions about becoming a member of the MVA or would like to verify your current membership status, e-mail us at [email protected]. We’re looking forward to a great year and we’re thankful to all of our members for continuing to support the MVA!
As we enter a new year, the MVA newsletter is getting a makeover. We will now publish neighborhood and community updates through this blog! The change in format will allow us to share information more frequently, ensuring members and neighbors are kept up to date on the latest news from the MVA.
You can read the blog on our website at and can subscribe to a weekly email digest of our newest posts. We plan to share information related to MVA initiatives and events, guest speakers from our monthly meetings, biography spotlights highlighting members of our community and guest articles written by our neighbors! We’d love to hear from you if you have suggestions for additional content that you feel would be of interest. Email us at [email protected] if you have suggestions or are interested in authoring an article! Thank you for taking the time to check out our new blog and for being an active member of the community! |
January 2025