The MVA wants to hear from you as we plan for 2023 and beyond! We invite those who live and/or work within Merion Village to complete the following survey. We believe the neighborhood and community will benefit from the feedback shared here. Please use this opportunity to have your voice heard. Your survey responses will be submitted to the current MVA board members and a summary of responses will also be shared at our monthly meeting in January 2023. We plan to use your feedback to develop the Association’s future short and long-term goals. This survey may be submitted anonymously if you choose and will be open for responses until November 30, 2022. Thank you in advance for your time!
The MVA will continue to follow the recommendations set forth by our local and national leaders to limit and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This will include implementation of the following:
Our board will publish a monthly Treasurer's Report on our website and will provide any updates on the association through our blog. As always, should you wish to contact the MVA board, please reach out to us through our contact form. Thank you and stay safe! Beginning in March, monthly MVA meetings will return to the starting time of 7 PM! If you’ve been coming to meetings for a while, you’ll recall that they previously began at 7 PM. In 2015, we moved to 7:15 PM in order to allow a joint meeting between the MVA and the newly formed Merion Village Block Watch.
Now that the Block Watch has grown into a separate group and meetings are held on a different date and time, the current board felt it may be time to move our meeting start time back to 7 PM. Members in attendance at the monthly meeting on February 5th were asked to vote on this proposed change. The supporting votes were unanimous! So, next week, our monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 4th (and those in the future) will begin at 7 PM! If you haven’t been able to make it to a meeting recently, or you’re looking for an opportunity to check out the MVA for the first time, we hope you’ll join us next week at this new time! Regular meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except in December, when we hold a community potluck) at 7 PM in the MVA Info Center, located at 1330 S. Fourth Street. Meetings include an agenda with updates about upcoming events and initiatives, review and discussion of any current zoning variance requests in Merion Village and a guest speaker! At the end of each meeting, the floor is open to all in attendance who have questions or information to share. MVA monthly meetings are open to the public and all are encouraged to attend! We’re looking forward to our 3rd monthly meeting of 2020 and we hope to see you there! As we enter a new year, the MVA newsletter is getting a makeover. We will now publish neighborhood and community updates through this blog! The change in format will allow us to share information more frequently, ensuring members and neighbors are kept up to date on the latest news from the MVA.
You can read the blog on our website at and can subscribe to a weekly email digest of our newest posts. We plan to share information related to MVA initiatives and events, guest speakers from our monthly meetings, biography spotlights highlighting members of our community and guest articles written by our neighbors! We’d love to hear from you if you have suggestions for additional content that you feel would be of interest. Email us at [email protected] if you have suggestions or are interested in authoring an article! Thank you for taking the time to check out our new blog and for being an active member of the community! |
January 2025